Drum set, Ukulele, and Percussion Teacher in Eugene

Andrew Yates

Dum set teacher in Eugene - Andrew Yates Dum set teacher in Eugene - Andrew Yates

Have an itch to play music? It’s your inner musical voice, wanting to make its way out of your dreams and into your reality. It’s all yours, and no one can take it away from you, nor can they scratch it out for you.

As a music teacher, it is my mission to be a mentor to each one of my students in a way that is unique to them. On my musical journey, I have experienced many challenges and successes,
all of which have led to insight and, dare I say, a certain level of wisdom. I am passionate about sharing what I have learned with my students. Whether you are someone who is just curious
about music or you have #goals, I promise to put in front of you fun and engaging challenges that will lead to musical growth!

Andrew teaches beginner to advanced drumset, percussion (including marimba, snare drum, marching, and hand percussion) and beginner to intermediate guitar, bass, piano, ukulele, and
music production.

Andrew is currently pursuing an undergraduate degree in Jazz Studies at the University of Oregon with a minor in Audio Production. He has a diverse range of experiences at the
collegiate level, including jazz drumset, jazz vibraphone, classical percussion training, music theory and piano.

Honors and awards include receiving the prized Fred Sanford Best Percussion Performance Award at the 2017 DCI World Championships as a member of the Santa Clara Vanguard drum
and bugle corps, and the 2018 Downbeat Magazine award for Graduate College Outstanding Performance with the UT Arlington Latin Jazz Combo, in which he played congas.


Andrew Teaches:


Drum set lessons

Percussion lessons

Ukulele lessons

Guitar lessons

Piano lessons

Music Production Lessons

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